What are body-based approaches in psychotherapy?
Lately more and more emphasis has been put on using body-based approaches in psychotherapy over more traditional talk therapy and cognitive models. These approaches can be used on their own and also combined with talk therapy approaches. But understanding exactly what body-based therapy means can be difficult for new clients.
Why pain persists - Understanding chronic pain
A lot of the time we forget that pain is normal and helpful! Pain is actually an adaptive strategy that alerts us when we are in danger. Pain is the body’s way of communicating with the brain that it is in danger and/or injured and physical action is required. For example, you are playing soccer and fall and break your leg. The pain from your broken leg lets you know that you are injured and you need to go to the hospital. However, all pain is not this simple. This is when we start to see the aspects of chronic/persistent pain arise.
Stress, Anxiety and Brain Injuries
Brain injuries and concussions are one of the most common injuries worldwide. With increasing recent media attention, the awareness for these injuries has been growing exponentially. Often one of the most frequently reported symptoms following a head injury is difficulties with anxiety, depression, and stress. This post will highlight why anxiety, stress, and depression are common symptoms in individuals following a head injury and why it is important to manage these.
When Cognitive Behavioural Therapy doesn't work - Is it just me?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is one of the most popular and evidence-based psychotherapy treatment approaches for addressing a variety of emotional and psychological difficulties. However, although CBT can be an effective treatment approach for a wide variety of people, it is not an approach that always works well for everyone. So what happens when it doesn’t work for you?